Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Edorsement from Donna O'Malley, A Letter to the Gazette

To the Gazette,

I am honored to be writing this letter for my friend Andrea Furey who is running for school board member. I have had the privilege of starting a Special Education PTA in the Croton-Harmon district with Andrea Furey. As a Co-President Andrea had many visions of what she wanted this Special PTA to look like and worked tirelessly at accomplishing this task in addition to being a working mother and wife. Andrea continues to maintain her passion for our entire school district and has expressed her desire to continue helping in the process of shaping our Croton-Harmon school district as a school board member.

I know Andrea to have a strong commitment to increased communication within our school district and also her desire to extend this transmitting of information fluidly between school district and village community. Andrea brought her strong background in Communications and Art to her volunteer work as a PTA President and I believe this background will also help in her service as a school board member.

Andrea has shown through her volunteer work to have an understanding of parents need for increased information concerning their children’s education and the ability to “know how to get information out to all parents”. This unique ability has helped in unifying many parents in our district. Her work as a PTA President has also improved the dialogue between parents, teachers, and administrators within our Croton-Harmon school district.

Andrea brings her passion for the arts to her volunteer work in our schools. She has been instrumental in helping design the mini-school calendar to reflect all children’s talent in our Croton-Harmon School district. She has a keen understanding of how art, music, and theater help prepare our children for the future.

I believe her desire to unite our village community and school community around common goals will be beneficial in helping our school district progress into the future. I feel that Andrea possesses an excellent understanding of the importance and impact our children’s education in the Croton-Harmon school district has on their abilities to become contributing members to society and impacts their global community.

I believe Andrea will continue to serve as a passionate advocate for all children in the Croton-Harmon School District. I whole heartily endorse Andrea Furey as a Croton-Harmon school district School Board Member and sincerely hope you will do the same.

Donna O’Malley

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